Technologies: Unity, C#, Vuforia AR Plugin
The goal of the game is to direct the light in each level from the emitter to the receiver, with the help of physical cards that act as light reflectors, refractors and dividers. Each level appears on top of a “level card”, and the player has to use the cards for the given level in clever ways to direct the light in different ways. For instance, the first two levels teach the player how to use the reflector, while the third level teaches how to use the divider and the fourth level teaches the refractor. When the light hits the receiver for 3 seconds, the obstacle explodes and the player can advance to the next level. We used the Vuforia AR Plugin for Unity to implement the AR functionality. We ended up recording the walkthrough video with an external webcam connected to a laptop, however the intended platform for the game is mobile. We have tested it using an Android phone and confirmed that the camera quality is more than enough to successfully detect the cards and make the game playable. It was a lot of fun to work on since it was an interesting game mechanic, and I’m very happy with our result at the end of 5 weeks of development.